Tomer Cohen wrote:

Are you sure this is something worth the efforts? Because I guess they will supply only the distribution packages of openssl, bash and so on, nothing more than that, and nothing we can't get from other sources.
This will contain the BSP for the device inside the Linux kernel. There is no other source you can get it from.

Anyway, I'm willing to put 30 sheqels to find out :-)
I'd suggest asking them to store these files online on <> (and than get it mirrored on without the community paying them anything.
I think you misunderstand why they are asking for money. It's not because they want money. It's because they want the sources to be less accessible, but are bound by what the GPL allows them to do.

So, thumbs up for not violating the GPL.

But I do want the sources to be available, and it's worth 30 sheqels (or even 60) for me to do it.


Shachar Shemesh
Lingnu Open Source Consulting Ltd.

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