Thanks for the updates and the ongoing work.
On Feb 24, 2016 11:34 PM, "Shai Berger" <> wrote:

> Hi Everybody,
> On Monday night we had #5 in our series of hacknights, this time at the
> lovely
> offices of Matific on the 51st floor of Moshe Aviv tower. We enjoyed the
> beautiful
> view, the drinks, and a Pizza, as well as each other's company, and got
> some
> things done:
> Moshe and Vitaly started designing a mobile app for PyCon Israel 2016;
> Amit worked on websites;
> Dotan (of Matific) worked on a Django bug;
> Eli came in to pitch his PostgreSQL meetup;
> Shlomi and I taught Hamakor's new server to send emails, and I made some
> progress on moving the planet service from its old server.
> We thank Matific for their hospitality; they have already invited us to do
> this
> again, and I believe we will.
> Shai.
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