Hi Ano.

Did you look at this page with a lot of screenshots:
http://wiki.neo-layout.org/wiki/Neo unter Linux einrichten/Aktivieren#Gnome

I know, there is no section with Gnome 3, but it is somewhat similar to
the Gnome section. Look at this screenshot:
http://wiki.neo-layout.org/attachment/wiki/Neo unter Linux
einrichten/Aktivieren/gnome_ubuntu_teil5.jpg . You should check this in
your configuration. Maybe you have an option for your Alt keys set with.
Try to change/deactivate that.


ano schrieb am 29.04.2013 13:21:
> Hi,
> I'm using Gnome3, debian wheezy and have a Thinkpad E130.
> I installed the NEO2 script, made my layout settings (with no altgr....) and
> ran 
> sudo dpkg-reconfigure keyboard-configuration 
> (with no altgr, compose,...)
> But still the ALTGR key does not work as the Mod4 key. Gedit: ALTGR + e
> (goes to edit menu).
> I also tried:
> http://wiki.neo-layout.org/wiki/Neo%20unter%20Linux%20einrichten/xkbmap
> The left ALT works fine.
> Do you have a clue? 

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