Rajesh Kalluri wrote:
> I am in the process of upgrading my struts based web-app to weblgic 9.
> The following snippet used to work just fine in weblogic 8.1 and not any
> more in weblogic 9.
> <display:column href="field.do?method=data"
>                       paramId="id" paramProperty="id"
> titleKey="field.fieldName">
>                         <c:out value="${itemList.tableName}"/> :
> <c:out value="${itemList.name}"/>
> </display:column>
> I have seen that I can use decorators to solve this issue, but that
> will involve lot of code changes. Is there a way I can make this work
> with config/jsp changes.
> I am on Display tags 1.0.

"Doesn't work" is a pretty broad description.  Doesn't work how?  Doesn't
display any data?  It certainly should, I would think.  Doesn't give you
the correct params on your URL?  I can't see why not, but maybe the
paramProperty and paramIds are causing a problem.

But in addition to saying what you mean when you say it doesn't work,
there's also more context required.  I'm assuming that itemList is a valid
row object, but I can't tell.  You need to post more of the code for
people to find the problem.  On the basis of this code, this should work.

Rick Herrick

I haven't got time for inner peace.

"No reasonable definition of reality could be expected to permit
this."--Albert Einstein, Boris Podolsky and Nathan Rosen in 1935

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