On 18 Jun 2003, Dara Hazeghi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello,
> it's good to see that distcc just keeps improving! I
> had one question. In the known problems list, it is
> mentioned (or rather implied) that distcc can't be
> used for gcc bootstraps. Is this still the case? If
> so, perhaps a bug can be opened against gcc?

I haven't tried it.  My impression was that you could make it work by
excluding localhost from the list, though you might also need to put
the build directory on a shared filesystem so that the later compilers
can be found.  I think Alexandre might know.

> P.S. One other little thing: I noticed that distcc
> still doesn't like 0 length .s files. Any chance that
> might change soon?

Are you talking about 0 length output files from something like 

  distcc gcc -s hello.c

I'd like to fix it.  It is a little tricky because unfortunately at
the moment length 0 is used to mean "does not exist".  It might be
better to have 0 mean "length 0" and -1 (say) mean "does not exist".
Changing this in a way that does not break old clients or old servers
is slightly tricky, but it can probably be done.

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