On 14 Feb 2005, Dobes Vandermeer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Making the patch for distcc to support a different set of compiler
> switches was pretty easy.  However, to really support the microsoft
> toolchain you need to be able to handle multiple output files from the
> compile, like .pdb, .ilk, and .sbr files.
> Has anyone thought of a patch to support this?  I suspect it is simple
> a matter of replacing a bunch of places where a single output file is
> handled and handling a list (perhaps a char** plus an int length, or a
> null-terminated char **, or I could define a struct for it).
> What would be the most "distcc-like" way of implementing this?

There are some docs on this in the source tree.  Basically we need to
generalize the protocol to allow multiple input and output files, and
probably to do all the filename transformation on the client.


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