Thank you Jean!

I supposed something similar but was not sure.
My makefile is generated from MPC/MWC project


and does not contain all the dependencies, you're right. Also, some source *.cpp files did contain few errors to that moment. So, make may fail.

The only I supposed else is make MUST wait for all the jobs to finish, prior to exit itself. But the parent make process exits while childs go on (distributed) compilation. And I see make log file, whitout an error, while error actually occurs in childs, but I DO NOT see compilation diagnostics from childs.

As the conclusion, you see, I do not know how to adjust make/distcc to be USEFUL for distributed compilation with possible compile errors in *.cpp files. I want to see all the compiler errors (from all distributed agents), not make confuse, inspired by these ones.
Do you know how to reach it?

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