Le mercredi 09 juillet 2014 à 00:19 -0500, Jason Hsu a écrit :
> I'm working on a reboot of Swift Linux.  The new Swift Linux will be based 
> directly on Debian instead of indirectly through antiX Linux or Linux Mint 
> Debian Edition.  (Dependency hell was too much of an issue when purging 
> packages.  The process of creating the new Swift Linux will involve starting 
> with minimal Debian and adding packages.)  I will use a Debian Stable base 
> (part of the CrunchBang Linux playbook) for ease of maintenance.
> I still intend to make the ISO files available through SourceForge instead of 
> through my web site due to the enormous amount of bandwidth this takes.
> The biggest change I will be making is using custom Swift Linux *.deb 
> packages to transform minimal Debian into Swift Linux.  The process of 
> remastering Swift Linux will include installing these packages.  (Thus, I'm 
> following another part of the CrunchBang Linux playbook.  CrunchBang Linux 
> has its own package repository for providing the layouts, default setups, 
> etc.)  I'll need space on my own web site to store these packages.  I will be 
> turning to https://wiki.debian.org/SettingUpSignedAptRepositoryWithReprepro 
> as a resource on setting everything up.
> MY QUESTION: What type of web site hosting do I need?  I currently have 
> shared hosting from 
> WebFaction, and I understand that it's not the way to go for hosting my own 
> package repository.  
> Should I use VPS?  Dedicated hosting?  Something else?  So far, all of my web 
> sites are on shared hosting.


It depend on a few variables:

- are you ready to pay for it every month, and if so, how much ?
- how big would your repo be, and how much bandwidth do you think this
would consume
- do you have any requirement regarding the location of the service ?
- do you have requirement regarding protocol used for distribution
( https, ftp, rsync, http, bittorrent )
- do you have what it take to create the repo, or should it be done on
the server hosting packages.
- how confortable are you with system administration and server
management ?

once all of this is answered, you can start to decide what you should

Michael Scherer

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