At 03:39 PM 7/11/2005 +0100, Michael Hoffman wrote:
>I was trying to install setuptools in my home directory on a system I
>don't have root access to using the command "python install
>--home=~". Of course, since it installs as an egg, I can't use it
>unless I *specifically* add it to my PYTHONPATH. This would be a pain
>should it be necessary to add for every egg I install.

It isn't necessary.  All you need to do is ensure that the setuptools egg 
is on PYTHONPATH; everything else can then be handled by 
EasyInstall-generated script wrappers or by manual use of require().

So, basically, if you have this non-root scenario, you have to put the 
setuptools egg directly on your PYTHONPATH, and everything should be fine 
after that.

>I've added a workaround to my ~/lib/python/
>(~/lib/python is in PYTHONPATH) which uses the existing machinery in
> to process .pth files in all of the entries of sys.path, not
>just the default sitedirs.

Unfortunately EasyInstall can't know that you're doing this, so it's not 
going to generate a .pth file in your ~/lib/python directory.  Basically, 
you need to learn to live with --multi-version mode, which has benefits as 
well as drawbacks.  When EasyInstall installs in multi-version mode, you 
can't just fire up the interpreter and import the package, you have to 
either call require() to ask for the package by name and version, *or* you 
can run any script that was installed with the package and it'll work just 
fine because EasyInstall creates a wrapper around the script that does the 
require() for you.

If you're using packages that depend on each other, or creating your own 
packages, you can create a wrapper package that's just a and 
whatever programs you need to run.  In the, you declare your 
dependencies on the other packages, and then you run " develop" to 
generate wrappers for your new scripts and set up your project as an 
egg.  The steps are detailed in the new setuptools Developers' Guide at:

In particular, pay close attention to the sections on "Basic Use", 
"Declaring Dependencies", "Development Mode", and on the "develop" command.

>I've noticed, however, that Guido has rejected a patch
><> to have the default search
>.pth files in other directories, mainly because all the extra path
>searching at each startup might slow down startup on some systems.
>The best solution I can think of is to think of is to have some
>directory that is explicitly searched for .pth files (or even
>.egg/.zip files) and has them added to the path. This would still
>require some changes to (and hopefully eventually
>, so it keeps eggs from working OOTB on this type of system.
>What do you think is the best way to have eggs loaded from non-system

I don't think that the patch makes much difference; there's nothing 
stopping web hosters or others from adding a line like this to a .pth file 
in site-packages now:

     import os; addsitedir(os.path.expanduser('~/lib/python2.3')) # or 2.4

Which will do the same as the patch proposes to do for every line in each 
.pth file.  If you can get your service provider to put this in a .pth file 
in site-packages, you're pretty much set, except for the fact that 
EasyInstall will still think you need to do a multi-version 
install.  However, you won't need PYTHONPATH and you won't need to manage 
it except by manipulating .pth files in your ~/lib/python2.3 or whatever 
directory.  And, I could probably add an option to EasyInstall (and 
setuptools install/develop commands) to force .pth usage even if you're 
installing somewhere other than site-packages.

Distutils-SIG maillist  -

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