One thing you could do is keep a bunch of eggs, .tar.gz's, exe's,  
whatever in a directory on a web server with directory indexes turned  
on and then add that page to the find_links options in you  
~/.pydistutils.cfg file.

Here's mine::


Then, just evolve a process for placing things on the behind-the- 
firewall server and you should be good.


On Jul 11, 2005, at 11:58 AM, Paul Moore wrote:
> I've just had a look at the new documentation for setuptools. I've not
> read it all in detail yet, but one thing struck me regarding the
> "automatically download dependencies" feature.
> It isn't going to work for people (like me) stuck behind a firewall
> that Python doesn't support (Windows NTLM based firewall). Obviously,
> setuptools is never going to be able to resolve a situation like this,
> nor would I expect it to. But can I suggest two possible changes to
> make it easier for people with limited internet access?
> 1. A "manual download" mode, where setuptools lists the files which it
> wants you to obtain, and then leaves it to you how you get them. I'm
> not sure how plausible this would be, given the necessarily iterative
> process involved in resolving dependencies, but even a little help
> would be useful (a report of unresolved dependencies when run with a
> --no-download flag would be the most basic help).
> 2. A way of specifying an external command to use to download files
> over HTTP. This would (for example) allow me to use curl, which does
> support HTLM proxies, rather than relying on Python's built-in HTTP
> support, which doesn't.
> Regards,
> Paul.
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