At 10:14 AM 1/22/2007 -0500, Jim Fulton wrote:
>I'd rather let people use whatever framework
>they want to do this and to control this from Python.

The approach I suggested certainly allows that to happen, and if the 
default loader is either unittest's default loader or setuptools' scanning 
loader, then it works for Zope's use cases without any change from the way 
you'd like it.  I just want it to *also* be possible for people to specify 
a non-default suite loader.

People who are using non-default loaders now, already have them specified 
in their  If this were part of the new spec, they would need only 
to change (or duplicate) the test_loader and test_suite to be entry points 
instead of setup() keywords, and they would then work with the test 
declaration system.

This is a much lower barrier to entry in both work needed to switch over, 
and (IMO) in psychological objection to doing so.

Distutils-SIG maillist  -

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