Christian Heimes wrote:
So, at the risk of painting a bike-shed, I'd like to propose that we adopt
'AMD64' in distutils (needs a change), (needs a change to use
sys.getwindowsversion() in preference to pywin32, if possible, anyway),
and the Python banner (which already uses AMD64).

+1 for AMD64

I'm also +1 for AMD64 (or amd64).

BTW, the wikipedia entry for AMD64 points out that FreeBSD, NetBSD, OpenBSD, Debian, Ubuntu, Solaris, and the Java Development Kit all use "amd64". Though it claims that Microsoft and Sun both use 'x64' in their marketing material.

If we ever need names for Itanium and i386 compatible arch I propose IA64 and X86.

IA64 seems pretty standard so +1 on that.

But I'm -1 on the X86. It's too easy to get confused with what that means versus terms like x86-16, x86-32, and x86-64. Admittedly the first two are little used, but I have seen them once or twice. What's wrong with using i386 itself?

-- Dave
Distutils-SIG maillist  -

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