On 10 Feb, 2011, at 13:36, Prashant Saxena wrote:

> Hi,
> I am new on Mac platform. I need to port an application from linux to mac. 
> There 
> are couple of custom c-extensions which I am building using cython on linux 
> using distutils. It's pretty simple and straight forward there.
> There are couple of things I need to know on Mac platform.
> Q1. How do I create custom c-extension (cython & distutils) on mac so that 
> they 
> should run on both architecture (ppc & Intel)?

If cython doesn't do anything special: just use a universal build of python to 
build the extension.

> Q2. I am on 32 bit platform and I have to make sure that deployed package 
> (py2app) should execute on 64-bit architecture also.

What is your question?

32-bit binaries will work just fine on system that is 64-bit capable. If you 
cannot test 64-bit binaries on your machine I'd only ship a 32-bit binary.

> Q3. Mine is Leopard 10.5.5(intel) and default python is 2.5.1 but my app 
> requires 2.6.6. How do I build python 2.6.6 in universal binary format?

There are two options:

1) Download the 2.6.6 installer from the python.org website

2) Built it yourself using 'configure --enable-universalsdk=/  
     (replace 10.5 by the earliest OSX version you want to support)


> Overall idea is to deploy a package on mac 10.5.5 leopard(intel 32 bit) using 
> py2app in such a way so that it's compatible for both architecture (ppc & 
> intel) 
> and both platforms(32-bit & 64-bit)
> Cheers
> Prashant
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