On 14 Mar, 2012, at 18:42, Chris Barker wrote:
> Universal binaries (i.e. more than one architecture in one binary)
> have never been properly supported by binary eggs/setuptools. I think
> it may be as simple as the naming convention -- the binary would be
> named according to the machine it was built on (i.e. PPC) but when you
> tried to install in on another machine, setuptools would look for one
> called, i.e. "x86" and not find it. There may be some other issues,
> too, but in any case,  we need to make sure the naming convention
> handles the multi-architecture case as well.

Could you eleborate on that? Distutils supports fat binaries just fine, and 
AFAIK setuptools and distribute inherit that support. There were some problems 
in earlier python versions, especially in the Apple provided installs in OSX 
10.4, but those issues have been resolved years ago.


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Distutils-SIG maillist  -  Distutils-SIG@python.org

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