On 19 Nov, 2012, at 20:26, PJ Eby <p...@telecommunity.com> wrote:
> Data files should never be installed to package directories.  But I'm not 
> aware of any good reason why resource files should ever be installed anywhere 
> *else*.

To be (too) snarky: because the FHS says so. 

Less snarky, Linux distributors try to keep simular files together (for example 
storing all gettext translations together in /usr/share/locale).  To play nice 
in such an enviroment Python packages would have to install resource files 
outside of the python package and into the FHS specified directory structure.   
That again would mean there needs to be an API to access such files because it 
is not always necessary to store resources separate from their python package 
and because the FHS linux specific.

Storing resource files outside of packages directories seems to be only 
relevant for software that's packaged by a Linux distribution, not for python 
packages installed into a virtualenv or on other platforms.


Distutils-SIG maillist  -  Distutils-SIG@python.org

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