On Feb 28, 2013, at 7:39 AM, Mark McLoughlin <mar...@redhat.com> wrote:

> I always felt that the Python community tended more towards the former
> approach, but there always exceptions to the rule - to unfairly pick one
> one project, sqlalchemy seems to have an API that often changes
> incompatibly.

For what it's worth, Twisted takes backwards compatibility very seriously.  I 
try to mention this frequently in the hopes that more Python projects will 
adopt a similar policy: 
<http://twistedmatrix.com/trac/wiki/CompatibilityPolicy>.  I hear that 
openstack has chosen to avail themselves of some different networking 
libraries... but you have deprived me of the opportunity for snark by 
apparently having no difficulty with compatibility in that layer :).

Unfortunately, the tenor of the community has changed somewhat recently, with 
Python 3 being a clarion call for people who want to screw over their users 
with an incompatible release.  There has been some cultural fallout from that, 
because it sets a bad example.  Personally, I have found myself in a dozen 
serious conversations over the last two years or so when talking to other 
package maintainers (names withheld to protect the guilty) contemplating some 
massive incompatible change with no warning, because "everything is going to 
break anyway, so why not take the opportunity"; it's important that cooler 
heads prevail here :).  Luckily, in most cases I was able to convince those 
folks that multiple simultaneous levels of breakage are a bad idea...

However, many, perhaps even most, projects have made the transition gracefully 
without any API breakage, as we are attempting to, and to their credit, the 
core developers *have* said repeatedly that breaking API while porting to 
Python 3 is a singularly terrible idea.

I see that most of your problems have been with PyParsing, though.  PyParsing 
has also been infamously bad in terms of having no stable API, despite being 
well-post-1.0.  When I last used it, the breakage was so bad that we just 
started bundling in a specific version in our code; even dot-releases were 
breaking things majorly.  You can still see that here: 

Overall though, your impression of the Python community at large *is* accurate; 
breakages come with deprecation warnings beforehand, and mature packages try 
hard to maintain some semblance of a compatible API, even if there is some 
disagreement over what "compatible" means. 


Distutils-SIG maillist  -  Distutils-SIG@python.org

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