On 21 Jun, 2013, at 1:24, Nick Coghlan <ncogh...@gmail.com> wrote:

> >
> > 1. Python setup.py sdist and python setup.py dist_info will be changed to 
> > generate pymeta.json files. But that will be for Python 3.4 only (there's a 
> > big problem if this doesn't make it into 3.4...). Unless there's a 
> > distutils backport or similar.
> The initial vehicles for migration will be Daniel's bdist_wheel command and 
> upgrades to setuptools.
> Standard library support may not land for 3.4, but we will at least have the 
> pip bootstrapping mechanism in place (which in turn will allow retrieval of 
> setuptools).

What would be needed to land support for 3.4? Is it "just" a matter of pushing 
distlib to the stdlib and updating distutils (add a way to configure 2.0 
metadata, add bdist_wheel and update sdist), or are there other other issues? 
Well, other than finalizing the PEP and its implementation in distlib?

Distutils-SIG maillist  -  Distutils-SIG@python.org

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