On Fri, Mar 7, 2014 at 9:50 AM, Brian Wickman <wick...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I've also run into similar issues.  What I do with PEX is fudge PEP425
> tags for OS X in order to be more correct:
> https://github.com/wickman/commons/blob/wickman/pep425/src/python/twitter/common/python/pep425.py

> I'd love if some variation of this code could be added to setuptools or
> whatever.
+1 This looks good to me.

In theory, this logic should really go with python itself, not a
third-party lib. i.e., once built, a Python implementation will match
particular tags -- having a third party lib keep track of that seems to be
putting it in the wrong place.

In practice, there are only so many versions out there, and we're only
trying to support some of them, so it's probably fine for it to be in pip
(and it can be upgraded so much more easily there)



Christopher Barker, Ph.D.

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