On Thu, Jul 3, 2014 at 11:36 AM, Michael Merickel <mich...@merickel.org> wrote:
> I don't normally like shameless plugs but I haven't seen many people use
> docker in the following way yet and I happen to be using it with
> zc.buildout.
> I have built a small tool called marina[1] that I'm using to build binary
> slugs that can be installed in production. It uses throwaway (clean-room)
> containers to compile the application (using buildout or whatever else), and
> then dumps out an archive (or tags a new docker image) of the built assets
> which can be deployed. Marina is not using dockerfile's explicitly but
> rather you make a parent image (with buildpacks or whatever else) however
> you like. The image is then executed with your scripts (such as buildout)
> and the assets are archived. The approach keeps ssh keys and credentials out
> of the images. A separate data-only container is also mounted to allow
> caching of assets (eggs folder?) between runs which speeds up the build
> process dramatically. I'm using it on OS X to build binary tarballs for
> Ubuntu. The tarballs themselves can then be deployed as a docker image or
> just directly on a VM. It's all very alpha but I'm using it successfully
> with ansible to distribute tarballs to VMs in production.
> [1] https://github.com/mmerickel/marina

Not sure I follow all the above, but it sounds interesting. I look forward
to studying it.


Jim Fulton
Distutils-SIG maillist  -  Distutils-SIG@python.org

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