On Fri, Jul 25, 2014 at 7:21 AM, Daniel Holth <dho...@gmail.com> wrote:

> > This kind of thing will require us to implement a flag that tells pip
> > "setup.py cannot install; go through wheel" which is somewhere in the
> > plans..

couldn't you write a file called "setup.py", with the core API (i.e
setup.py build | install), but that called waf instead of distutils to do
the actual work?

or does pip doe more than simply call the setup.py script?


>  > I don’t think there is any plans to tell pip *not* to use a setup.py
> and to
> > use a Wheel instead. Rather I think the plans are to enable pluggable
> > builders so that a sdist 2.0 package doesn’t rely on setup.py and could
> use
> > a waf builder (for instance) plugin.
> Just a flag that tells pip it can't use the "install" command and has
> to do package -> install package on an sdist.
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