On Wed, Sep 24, 2014 at 11:49 AM, Paul Moore <p.f.mo...@gmail.com> wrote:

> > essentially One platform, and the freely available SDK is ONE compiler
> > environment.
> If only that were true :-)
> What I've found is:
> 1. Different SDKs are needed for Python 2.7 and 3.3+ (the VS2008/VS2010
> split)

well, yeah, but that's not the problem at hand -- that one is ugly and
painful and always has been :-(

> 2. The v7.0 SDK (Python 2.7) is a bit of a beast to install correctly
> - I managed to trash a VM by installing the x86 one when I should have
> installed the x64 one.

Ah, what fun -- though if you DO install the right one, hopefully it will
work, at least if it's installed with defaults, which most folks can do.

> 3. There are bugs in the SDK - the setenv script for v7.0 needs fixes
> or it fails.

OK -- that sucks and is simply going make this painful -- darn it!

Agreed, it should be easy. And indeed, it is if you have the full
> Visual Studio. But when Python 2.7 came out, the freely available MS
> tools were distinctly less convenient to use, and that shows.

and they still are, too.

It's getting a lot better, and once we start using MSVC 2012 or later
> (i.e., Python 3.5+), the express editions include 64-bit support out
> of the box, which makes most of the problems go away.

Sure, but is there something we can do with the old stuff -- some of us
will be ruing 2.7 for a good while yet!

> Steve wrote:
As I mentioned at the start of this thread - hold your frustration and wait
for a little while :)

It wasn't clear -- will things get better for 2.7 ? OR just the new stuff?

i.e. frustration aside, should I not bother to wrangle this now for my
projects if I can hold off a bit?



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