no, wheels should not be required -- encourage, absolutely, but required,

> My experience so far tells me otherwise. Our of 7 or so libraries that I
> tried to convert to wheel files that salt stack depends on only 2 were
> using setuptools, others were using distutils and had sometimes quite big
> files and were not compiling out of the box, and frankly I have no
> idea how I can create a wheel from a file that is taking 10
> screens to scroll and not using the packager that is supporting wheel and
> has dependencies on some C stuff.
Exactly -- some stuff is hard to build -- period, end of story. Ideally,
everyone would make binary wheels for al platforms for these, but even that
is next to impossible universally (see the conda package manger -- it's
been developed for a reason).

So should we say: if you haven't made a wheel out of  it, it can't be on
PyPi? that seems like abad idea overall.

Also -- if wheels were required, what versions/platforms etc. would be
required? That's a rabbit hole we should avoid!

> It is usually pretty easy to build from sdist. Wheels are convenient but I
>> don't think they should be required.
> Actually, if it's easy to build from sdist, then it's easy to make wheels



Christopher Barker, Ph.D.

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