On Feb 10, 2015, at 02:27 PM, Brett Cannon wrote:

>Does Launchpad support OpenID Connect? If so then migrating to that would
>solve this.

No, I don't believe so.  I've just filed this bug:


>Otherwise it may be time to have a serious look at our federated login
>support and consider adding GitHub and Bitbucket for wider reach as OpenID
>1.0/2.0 is extremely niche at this point.

I'd prefer not to *remove* OpenID support if it's still working, which it is.
And while I think GH and BB support might be useful, it's important to
remember that those are both closed systems, so I would put them on par with
Google, Facebook, or Yahoo! SSO.

Launchpad at least has the advantage of being free software, so anyone with
sufficient motivation and resources could contribution the needed support.


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