Following up on some IRC discussion with other folks:

There is precedent (Plone) for PyPI trove classifiers corresponding to
particular versions of a framework. So I'd like to get feedback on the idea
of expanding that, particularly in the case of Django.

The rationale here is that the ecosystem of Django-related packages is
quite large, but -- as I know all too well from a project I'm working on
literally at this moment -- it can be difficult to ensure that all of one's
dependencies are compatible with the version of Django one happens to be

Adding trove classifier support at the level of individual versions of
Django would, I think, greatly simplify this: tools could easily analyze
which packages are compatible with an end user's chosen version, there'd be
far less manual guesswork, etc., and the rate of creation of new
classifiers would be relatively low (we tend to have one X.Y release/year
or thereabouts, and that's the level of granularity needed).

Assuming there's consensus around the idea of doing this, what would be the
correct procedure for getting such classifiers set up and maintained?
Distutils-SIG maillist  -

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