
somehow I feel bored if I read PEP 426. 

One concrete improvement would be to remove this paragraph:

The design draws on the Python community's 15 years of experience with distutils based software distribution, and incorporates ideas and concepts from other distribution systems, including Python's setuptools, pip and other projects, Ruby's gems, Perl's CPAN, Node.js's npm, PHP's composer and Linux packaging systems such as RPM and APT.

Because something like this was already saied some lines before

Metadata 2.0 represents a major upgrade to the Python packaging ecosystem, and attempts to incorporate experience gained over the 15 years(!) since distutils was first added to the standard library. Some of that is just incorporating existing practices from setuptools/pip/etc, some of it is copying from other distribution systems (like Linux distros or other development language communities) and some of it is attempting to solve problems which haven't yet been well solved by anyone (like supporting clean conversion of Python source packages to distro policy compliant source packages for at least Debian and Fedora, and perhaps other platform specific distribution systems).

**And** I would move the historic background (the second of the above quotes) 
at the end.

Meta: are you interested in feedback like this?

  Thomas Güttler
Distutils-SIG maillist  -  Distutils-SIG@python.org

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