> >> I'm confused -- you don't want a system to be able to install ONE
> version
> >> of a lib that various python packages can all link to? That's really the
> >> key use-case for me....

> Are we talking about Python libraries accessed via Python APIs, or
> linking to external dependencies not written in Python (including
> linking directly to C libraries shipped with a Python library)?

I, at least, am talking about the latter. for a concrete example: libpng,
for instance, might be needed by PIL, wxPython, Matplotlib, and who knows
what else. At this point, if you want to build a package of any of these,
you need to statically link it into each of them, or distribute shared libs
with each package -- if you ware using them all together (which I do,
anyway) you now have three copies of the same lib (but maybe different
versions) all linked into your executable. Maybe there is no downside to
that (I haven't had a problem yet), but it seems like a bad way to do it!

It's the latter I consider to be out of scope for a language specific
> packaging system

Maybe, but it's a problem to be solved, and the Linux distros more or less
solve it for us, but OS-X and Windows have no such system built in (OS-X
does have Brew and macports....)

> - Python packaging dependencies are designed to
> describe inter-component dependencies based on the Python import
> system, not dependencies based on the operating system provided C/C++
> dynamic linking system.

I think there is a bit of fuzz here -- cPython, at least, uses the "the
operating system provided C/C++
dynamic linking system" -- it's not a totally independent thing.

If folks are after the latter, than they want
> a language independent package system, like conda, nix, or the system
> package manager in a Linux distribution.

And I am, indeed, focusing on conda lately for this reason -- but not all
my users want to use a whole new system, they just want to "pip install"
and have it work. And if you are using something like conda you don't need
pip or wheels anyway!

> I'm arguing against supporting direct C level dependencies between
> packages that rely on dynamic linking to find each other rather than
> going through the Python import system,

Maybe there is a mid ground. For instance, I have a complex wrapper system
around a bunch of C++ code. There are maybe 6 or 7 modules that all need to
link against that C++ code. On OS-X (and I think Linux, I haven't been
doing those builds), we can statically link all the C++ into one python
module -- then, as long as that python module is imported before the
others, they will all work, and all use that same already loaded version of
that library.

(this doesn't work so nicely on Windows, unfortunately, so there, we build
a dll, and have all the extensions link to it, then put the dll somewhere
it gets found -- a little fuzzy on those details)

So option (1) for something like libpng is to have a compiled python module
that is little but a something that can be linked to ibpng, so that it can
be found and loaded by cPython on import, and any other modules can then
expect it to be there. This is a big old kludge, but I think could be done
with little change to anything in Python or wheel, or...but it would
require changes to how each package that use that lib sets itself up and
checks for and install dependencies -- maybe not really possible. and it
would be better if dependencies could be platform independent, which I'm
not sure is supported now.

option (2) would be to extend python's import mechanism a bit to allow it
to do a raw "link in this arbitrary lib" action, so the lib would not have
to be wrapped in a python module -- I don't know how possible that is, or
if it would be worth it.

>  (Another way of looking at this: if a tool can manage the
> Python runtime in addition to Python modules, it's a full-blown
> arbitrary software distribution platform, not just a Python package
> manager).

sure, but if it's ALSO a Python package manger, then why not? i.e. conda --
if we all used conda, we wouldn't need pip+wheel.

> Defining cross-platform ABIs (cf. http://bugs.python.org/issue23966)

This is a mess that you need to deal with for ANY binary package -- that's
why we don't distribute binary wheels on pypi for Linux, yes?

> I'm
> firmly of the opinion that trying to solve both sets of problems with
> a single tool will produce a result that doesn't work as well for
> *either* use case as separate tools can.

I'm going to point to conda again -- it solves both problems, and it's
better to use it for all your packages than mingling it with pip (though
you CAN mingle it with pip...). So if we say "pip and friends are not going
to do that", then we are saying: we don't support a substantial class of
packages, and then I wonder what the point is to supporting binary packages
at all?

P.S. The ABI definition problem is at least somewhat manageable for
> Windows and Mac OS X desktop/laptop environments

Ah -- here is a key point -- because of that, we DO support binary packages
on PyPi -- but only for Windows and OS-X.. I'm just suggesting we find a
way to extend that to pacakges that require a non-system non-python

 but beyond
> those two, things get very messy, very fast - identifying CPU
> architectures, CPU operating modes and kernel syscall interfaces
> correctly is still a hard problem in the Linux distribution space

right -- but where I am confused is where the line is drawn -- it seem sto
be the line is REALLY drawn at "yuo need to compile some C (or Fortran,
or???) code, rather than at "you depend on another lib" -- the C code,
whether it is a third party lib, or part of your extension, still needs to
be compiled to match the host platform.

and that's
> *without* getting into things like determining which vectorisation
> instructions are available).

yup -- that's why we don't have binary wheels for numpy up on PyPi at this

 but the rise of aarch64 and IBM's
> creation of the OpenPOWER Foundation is making the data centre space
> interesting again, while in the mobile and embedded spaces it's ARM
> that is the default, with x86_64 attempting to make inroads.

Are those the targets for binary wheels? I don't think so.

> This is why

> "statically link all the things" keeps coming back in various guises

but if you statically link, you need to build the static package right
anyway -- so it doesn't actually solve the problem at hand anyway.

The only solution that is known to work reliably for dynamic linking
> is to have a curated set of packages all built by the same build
> system, so you know they're using consistent build settings. Linux
> distributions provide this, as do multi-OS platforms like nix and
> conda. We *might* be able to provide it for Python someday if PyPI
> ever gets an integrated build farm, but that's still a big "if" at
> this point.

Ah -- here is the issue -- but I think we HAVE pretty much got what we need
here -- at least for Windows and OS-X. It depends what you mean by
"curated", but it seems we have a (defacto?) policy for PyPi: binary wheels
should be compatible with the python.org builds. So while each package
wheel is supplied by the package maintainer one way or another, rather than
by a central entity, it is more or less curated -- or at least
standardized. And if you are going to put a binary wheel up, you need to
make sure it matches -- and that is less than trivial for packages that
require a third party dependency -- but building the lib statically and
then linking it in is not inherently easier than doing a dynamic link.

OK -- I just remembered the missing link for doing what I proposed above
for third party dynamic libs: at this point dependencies are tied to a
particular package -- whereas my plan above would require a dependency ties
to particular wheel, not the package as a whole. i.e:

my mythical matplotlib wheel on OS-X would depend on a py_libpng module --
which could be provided as separate binary wheel. but matplotlib in general
would not have that dependency -- for instance, on Linux, folks would want
it to build against the system lib, and not have another dependency. Even
on OS-X, homebrew users would want it to build against the homebrew lib,

So what would be good is a way to specify a "this build" dependency. That
can be hacked in, of course, but nicer not to have to.

NOTE; we ran into this with readline and iPython wheels -- I can't remember
how that was resolved.



Christopher Barker, Ph.D.

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