On Tue, May 19, 2015 at 4:27 AM, Oscar Benjamin <oscar.j.benja...@gmail.com>

> Surely the best way to manage non-Python shared libs is by
> exposing them as extension modules which can be packaged up on PyPI.
> Then you have dependency resolution for pip, you don't need to worry
> about the OS-specific shared library loading details and ABI
> information can be stored as metadata in the module. It would even be
> possible to load multiple versions or ABIs of the same library as
> differently named Python modules IIUC.

yes, that's what I "proposed" earlier in this thread. I put proposed in
quotes because it was buried in the discussion, and not the least bit
fleshed out, but that was the point.

As a case in point numpy packages up a load of C code and wraps a
> BLAS/Lapack library. Many other extension modules are written which
> can all take advantage of the non-Python shared libraries that embody
> numpy via its C API.

Though to be fair -- managing that has been a challenge -- numpy may be
built with different versions of BLAS, and there is no way to really know
what you might be getting... but I think this is solved with the "curated
packages" approach.

> Is there some reason that this is not considered a good solution?

Well, I've had some issues with getting the linking worked out right so
that modules could use each-other's libraries, at least on Windows -- but
that can probably be worked out.

The missing piece in terms of the PyPA infrastructure is that that is no
way to specify a binary dependency in the meta data: we can specify that
this python package depends on some other python package, but not that this
particular binary wheel depends on some other binary wheel. For example,
the same python package (say something like PIL) might use the system libs
when built on Linux, some of the system libs when built for OS-X, and need
all the third party libs when built for Windows. So the OS-X wheel has
different dependencies than the Windows wheel, which has different
dependencies than, say, a conda package of the same lib. Then there are
wheels that might be built to use the homebrew libs on OS-X -- it gets

But that can be hacked around, so that we could give it a try and see how
it works.

The other issue is social: this would really only be a benefit if a wide
variety of packages shared the same libs -- but each of those packages is
maintained by different individuals and communities. So it's had to know if
it would get used. I could put up a libpng wheel, for instance, and who
knows if the Pillow folks would have any interest in using it? or the
matplotlib folks, or, ... And this would be particularly difficult when the
solution was hacked together...



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