On Tue, May 19, 2015 at 4:12 PM, salil GK <gksa...@gmail.com> wrote:

>   I will provide more details about what I need to achieve
> I need to create a package for a tool that I create. Actually the tool
> that I created is a wrapper over ovftool which is provided by VMWare.
> ovftool install binary is provided as a bundle hence there is no package
> installed in the system ( `dpkg -l`  will not list ovftool package ).
> ovftool will be installed in /usr/bin/ location.
>    While creating the package I need to check if ovftool is available in
> the system and the version is 4.1.0. If it is not compatible, I need to
> fail the package installation with proper message. So how do I write
> setup.py for achieving the same.

you can put arbitrary python code in setup.py. so before you call setup()
in the file, put something like:

import subprocess

    version = subprocess.check_output(['/usr/bin/ovftool','--version'])
except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
    print "ovftool is not properly installed"
if not is_this_the_right_version(version):
    raise ValueError("ovftool is not the right version")

of course, you'd probably want better error messages, etc, but hopefully
you get the idea.


> Thanks
> Salil
> On 19 May 2015 at 07:54, salil GK <gksa...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hello
>>    I was trying to create my package for distribution. I have a
>> requirement that I need to check if one particular command is available in
>> the system ( this command is not installed through a package - but a bundle
>> is installed to get the command in the system ). I am using Ubuntu 14.04
>> Thanks in advance
>> Salil
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