On Oct 07, 2015, at 08:54 AM, Ben Finney wrote:

>Barry Warsaw <ba...@python.org> writes:
>> I'm a big fan of putting the tests inside the package. I've often
>> looked at a package's tests to get a better understanding of something
>> that was unclear for the documentation, or didn't work the way I
>> expected. Having the tests there in the installed package makes it
>> easier to refer to.
>That doesn't follow, or I'm not understanding you.
>If you have the tests in the source package, as is being advocated, you
>have the tests available for reference. So the *relative location* of
>the tests, within that source tree, doesn't argue for what you're

Since I'm not sure I follow that, I'll answer the question you asked:

>Are you arguing the separate point of whether tests should be
>*installed* with the package?

Yes.  We've had this conversation before in the context of Debian package
sponsorship.  I know and respect that you disagree.


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