On Wed, May 4, 2016 at 11:57 PM, Robert Collins <robe...@robertcollins.net>

> No. Old pip new package will break, new pip old package is entirely safe

That's the goal, yes?

So I think we need to get less obsessed with backward compatibility:

pip will retain (for along time) the ability to install, build, whatever
any packages that it currently works for -- nothing on PyPi breaks.

New versions of pip can "detect" that a given package is "new style", and
it will do the right thing with that -- maybe following a completely
different code path.

If we take this approach, then we can design the new pip interface however
we want, rather than trying to keep compatibility.

but we need to be abel to provide the build tool to go with it, yes?

I think the way to do that is to have a new build tool that is forked from
setuptools, and is essentially the same thing (in version 1), but with the
functionality that it "shouldn't" have stripped out -- i.e. no easy_install!

Pacakge developers that want to adpt the new system only need to change an
import ln their setup.py:

from setuptools-lite import setup

and then do the right things with meta-data, and it will work with new
versions of pip.

 Right now we have a swamp
> >>> we need to drain,

exactly -- but rather than trying to drain that swamp, let's just move over
to the dry land next door....



Christopher Barker, Ph.D.

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