On Wed, Jun 15, 2016 at 2:07 AM, Reinout van Rees <rein...@vanrees.org> wrote:
> Situation: I'm experimenting with docker, mostly in combination with
> buildout. But it also applies to pip/virtualenv.
> ...
> Now local development: it is normal to mount the current directory as
> /code/, so that now is overlayed over the originally-added-to-the-docker
> /code/.
> This means that anything done inside /code/ is effectively discarded in
> development. So a "bin/buildout" run has to be done again, because the bin/,
> parts/, eggs/ etc directories are gone.

In my experience, the only point of friction is the code being worked
on, which I pip-install in a virtualenv inside the container in
"editable" mode. This lets code changes on your local machine be
reflected immediately in the applications running inside the
container. I asked for advice on this scenario here:


If your virtualenv is outside of "/code/", then your third-party
dependencies shouldn't need to be reinstalled. Only the "editable"
installs should need to be reinstalled after mounting your directory,
which is the scenario I asked about above.

Distutils-SIG maillist  -  Distutils-SIG@python.org

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