On Tue, Aug 16, 2016 at 12:06 PM Donald Stufft <don...@stufft.io> wrote:

> On Aug 16, 2016, at 8:50 AM, Daniel Holth <dho...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Wheel should be updated to support the egg use case before egg is removed.
> IIUC this would mostly mean officially supporting 'unzipped wheel' as a
> thing you can add to PYTHONPATH, possibly with some additional restrictions
> for the specific wheel. We could go a little further and officially support
> zipped wheels "if zip safe". We could implement wheel2egg to complement
> egg2wheel?
> I don’t think Wheel should officially supported unzip wheels as a thing
> you can add to PYTHONPATH nor do I think we should officially support
> zipped wheels being added to PYTHONPATH. Neither of those things are going
> to work universally and setuptools has gross heuristics to try and figure
> out when they will and won’t work (which regularly break or report
> inaccurately). Wheel is improved by remaining focused on being a format for
> distributing and installed via an installer, not one that tries to do all
> of the things like Egg did.

So this is how I envision "installing a wheel to its own directory".

1. Unzip the wheel into its own directory.
2. If there are any nested *.data/purelib, platlib, make sure they are also
unzipped into the root of the unzipped wheel instead of their archive paths.
3. If there are scripts and you want them, install those too.

If 2 and 3 don't apply to you, you are done almost before you've started.
What's missing?
Distutils-SIG maillist  -  Distutils-SIG@python.org

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