I don't consider building from source a niche use case per se, given that
pip is most widely adopted PEP-517/518 build frontend. What other build
frontends there are or are to be recommended for usage (with
setuptools/flint/poetry being mostly backends)?

On Thu, Jun 28, 2018 at 8:35 AM Paul Moore <p.f.mo...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On 28 June 2018 at 02:37, Nathaniel Smith <n...@pobox.com> wrote:
> > On Wed, Jun 27, 2018 at 2:25 PM, Paul Moore <p.f.mo...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >> On 27 June 2018 at 22:09, Pradyun Gedam <pradyu...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >>>
> >>> On Wed, Jun 27, 2018 at 9:15 PM Paul Moore <p.f.mo...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> >> But Brett clearly stated that he views PEP 518 as stating that the
> >> build-system.requires key in pyproject.toml is *not* optional. And I
> >> think that's the correct reading of the PEP.
> >
> > FWIW, I'm a co-author on the PEP, and I've apparently been shipping
> > software without this key for most of a year:
> > https://github.com/python-trio/trio/blob/master/pyproject.toml
> > Clearly I should have read my PEP more closely...
> Oh! I'm really sorry - I thought you'd seen the discussion and the
> fact that you hadn't responded to Brett's assertion directly meant you
> were OK with it. I think I must have been skimming at the time and not
> fully understood the point you were making in your post. My error, and
> thanks for making me aware of it.
> >> OK. But I'm going to take the view that having explicitly requested
> >> clarification on distutils-sig, if we want to do anything other than
> >> reject a pyproject.toml with a missing build-system.requires as
> >> invalid, we need to first of all get the PEP changed. And for that
> >> we'll have to have a good use case to justify the change. Personally,
> >> I don't see the value.
> >
> > If pip starts erroring out when pyproject.toml is missing
> > build-system.requires, then 'pip install twisted' will stop working
> > and everyone will start screaming on twitter:
> > https://github.com/twisted/twisted/blob/trunk/pyproject.toml
> >
> > (Trio won't actually be affected b/c it has a universal wheel, so pip
> > always uses that instead of the sdist. But twisted only has wheels for
> > python 2 on Windows; all other configurations build from source, and
> > thus will break.)
> I can see the practicality argument here. I don't think (correct me if
> I'm wrong!) that anyone particularly anticipated when we were drafting
> PEP 518 that the tools section would be used by anything other than
> build tools - I know I hadn't anticipated that usage. In hindsight
> it's an obvious thing to do, but it does mean that pyproject.toml is
> more of a "general project configuration" file than purely a build
> configuration one.
> > We probably need to update the PEPs some here anyway, if only for
> clarity.
> Agreed
> > Also, right now PEP 517 says "If the pyproject.toml file is absent, or
> > the build-backend key is missing, the source tree is not using this
> > specification, and tools should fall back to running setup.py." But
> > thinking about it again, we probably don't want to do this, because it
> > adds Yet Another build configuration that pip has to handle:
> >
> > 1. no pyproject.toml -> legacy non-isolated build via legacy setup.py
> support
> > 2. pyproject.toml without build-backend specified -> new isolated
> > build via legacy setup.py support
> > 3. pyproject.toml with build-backend specified -> new isolated build
> > via new build-backend support
> >
> > Once pip and setuptools both have PEP 517 build backend support (which
> > should hopefully happen soon?), then option (2) will become weird and
> > unnecessary. It would be nice to get rid of it. So I think we'll be
> > having a similar discussion in a few months about how to handle
> > pyproject.toml without build-backend keys. At that point we'll have a
> > few options:
> >
> > - We could say that build-system.build-backend is mandatory, and error
> > out if it's missing. But that will break the world (probably even more
> > so than making build-system.requires mandatory now will break the
> > world, since by the time this happens there will be more
> > pyproject.toml files in the wild).
> >
> > - We could shrug and say that updating PEPs is a lot of work so let's
> > just go with what we wrote way back when. But that forces pip to
> > forever carry around code to implement both option (2) and (3), which
> > do essentially the same thing except with extra code and probably
> > there will be weird bugs that show up in one configuration or the
> > other, etc.
> >
> > - We could say that when build-system.build-backend is missing, it
> > defaults to "setuptools". But it's *really weird* to have a default
> > value for build-system.build-backend while not having one for
> > build-system.requires, because, effectively, the interpretation of
> > build-system.build-backend depends on the value of
> > build-system.requires. The build backend is an object that gets looked
> > up inside those required packages. If we're going to be like "we have
> > no idea what setuptools is, you have to tell us to install it every
> > time", then it's very weird to turn around in the next line like "oh
> > yeah we *use* setuptools by default, we just don't *install* it by
> > default".
> >
> > So my inclination is to plan on ending up with build-system.requires
> > defaulting to ["setuptools", "wheel"], and build-system.backend
> > defaulting to "setuptools". Hopefully we'll eventually get to a place
> > where ~no-one uses these defaults, but carrying around the code to
> > handle the defaults isn't really a burden.
> That's certainly the other option that we'd want to follow if the keys
> aren't mandatory. Focusing back on the PEP 518 side of things, the
> biggest problem is that the behaviour under build-system.requires =
> ["setuptools", "wheel"] is somewhat different from the legacy code
> path (although I'd have to do some research to say exactly how - at
> the moment things we proposed to do, things we plan on doing, and
> things we actually do right now, are hopelessly muddled in my mind)
> and I think that switching mode triggered by the existence of
> pyproject.toml has caused problems for some people (although that may
> only be because of build isolation, and the --no-build-isolation flag
> covers that case, albeit by making it the end user's problem rather
> than the project's).
> But I don't have a strong opinion either way here - that's why I
> originally suggested bringing the discussion to distutils-sig. I'm
> happy for pip to go with whatever the consensus ends up being. And
> whatever way it goes, a PEP update to make the intent explicit would
> probably be worthwhile.
> >>>> > This is already a feature request for pip for a different use case
> >>>> > and I think it's a reasonable request.
> >>>>
> >>>> What's the issue number? I don't recall seeing anything like this.
> >>>
> >>> https://github.com/pypa/pip/issues/4582
> >>
> >> I found that discussion confusing at the time, and on rereading I
> >> don't think my view has changed :-(
> >
> > That discussion is indeed pretty confusing, but the basic idea of
> > letting the user override build requires is easy to motivate.
> >
> > Say you're trying to install 'foomatic v1.2', which has a build
> > requirement of "setuptools". But oops, setuptools v45.0 was just
> > released, and it turns out that foomatic v1.2 depends on some internal
> > implementation details of setuptools that changed in this release.
> > That's annoying. Probably you should file a bug, and the foomatic
> > authors will fix it and eventually make a new release. But that
> > doesn't help you *right now*, when you're trying to get out an
> > emergency deploy and your boss is breathing down your neck and you
> > just need the stupid foomatic v1.2 to install so you can get on with
> > things. Wouldn't it be nice (tm), if you could do:
> >
> > pip install foomatic==1.2 --force-build-requirement='setuptools<45'
> Hmm, OK. For that scenario, I'd argue the user can just say
> --no-build-isolation and set up the build environment manually.
> There's a risk here that we're creating ever more complicated
> mechanisms for relatively niche corner cases[1], and I think we need
> to be very careful to examine the trade-offs between code (and design)
> complexity and overall utility.
> The use of pip in development workflows is already a huge source of
> complexity (people have incredibly diverse workflows, which they
> typically cannot describe very well, because they often have no idea
> how unusual what they are doing can be). We have to cater for at least
> some of that, but (with my pip maintainer hat on) I think we need to
> draw the line somewhere, if only because of lack of manpower.
> Paul
> [1]  From my POV, pip building from source is already a relatively
> niche case - and even if that's not the reality today for some users,
> I remain pretty firmly convinced that it's what we should be aiming
> for.
> --
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