On Tue, 4 Sep 2018 at 20:50, Paul Moore <p.f.mo...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Tue, 4 Sep 2018 at 11:28, Nathaniel Smith <n...@pobox.com> wrote:
> > But... do we actually know enough to define a "has_gpu" marker? It
> > isn't literally "this system has a gpu", right, it's something more
> > like "this system has an NVIDIA-brand GPU of a certain generation or
> > later with their proprietary libraries installed"? Or something like
> > that? There are actually lots of packages on PyPI with foo/foo-gpu
> > pairs, e.g. strawberryfields, paddlepaddle, magenta, cntk, deepspeech,
> > ... Do these -gpu packages all have the same environmental
> > requirements, or is it different from package to package?
> Yep, that's the killer question here. IMO, someone needs to come up
> with a concrete proposal, along the likes of "here's some Python code
> that returns a True/False value, and we want to name that value using
> the market "has_gpu" (or whatever). There are then two debates:
> 1. Does that Python code return a value that's useful for a
> sufficiently large consensus of the projects who care about shipping
> GPU-enabled code?
> 2. Is has_gpu a sufficiently useful marker to warrant including in the
> packaging standards?
> Question 1 is for the package maintainers to debate, question 2 is for
> distutils-sig (IMO). If the package maintainers aren't sufficiently
> motivated to co-operate and come up with a concrete proposal, then
> there's not much that the non-specialists on distutils-sig can do.

As far as markers go, "naive check with an override for when it's
inevitably wrong" seems to have worked pretty well in the manylinux
case (the code just checks for the available glibc version if there's
no "_manylinux" module to give an explicit answer).

For the GPU case, the naive check (at least initially) could just be
"False", and folks would have to set the explicit marker in order to
opt-in to the GPU accelerated variant.


Nick Coghlan   |   ncogh...@gmail.com   |   Brisbane, Australia
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