On Mon, 24 Sep 2018 at 23:03, Dan Ryan <d...@danryan.co> wrote:
> The App/Library point is partly why we haven’t jumped on this bandwagon, the 
> distinction is important and keeping things separate has been done 
> intentionally.  Others (such as Nick or Donald) would be in a better position 
> to speak to this since both have written about it extensively so while 
> pushing in that direction would require a PEP it would also be a pretty big 
> departure from what has been the accepted approach for some time as far as I 
> understand

I don't understand how the "app/library distinction" applies here.
Setuptools is a build tool, and pyproject.toml defines how things get
built. If setuptools wants to migrate from setup.cfg to
pyproject.toml, how does the question of whether the project is an
"application" or a "library" matter? I understand how that question
might be relevant for a tool like pipenv, but for setuptools?

> FWIW I don't mind where anything in particular goes, but pushing for 
> everything to be defined by one file is not something I think is desirable if 
> we want to maintain this separation as it will probably be confusing -- and 
> the distinction is already subtle

I personally don't see much advantage in the "dump everything in one
file" philosophy. so from a personal POV I'd prefer setuptools' config
to remain in setup.cfg, but if they have reasons for wanting to move,
the PEP allows them that option.

But I agree - just because PEP 518 says you *can* put your config in
pyproject.toml, doesn't mean that it's a good idea...

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