
> Setuptools is pretty conservative, but I think there's still the caveat that 
> major versions may have backwards-incompatible changes in it. For example, 
> version 39.0 removed some symbols after a long deprecation period. Version 38 
> started requiring ordered sequences for install_requires.

Hence the "more or less", I think these deprecations affect a very
small percentage of installable packages.

> Regarding the "there isn't currently a way for a package to specify 
> build-time compatibility with a specific version of setuptools", is it not 
> possible to do this with pyproject.toml?
> [build-system]
> requires = ["setuptools>38.0", "wheel"]
> Doing it this way will work with pip wheel or pip install, though it all 
> depends on how good the PEP 518 support is for the tools you're using to 
> build your package.

Thanks for catching this, I missed the fact that PEP 518 support is
now considered operational in the latest versions of pip.
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