On Sat, 3 Nov 2018 at 17:32, Donald Stufft <don...@stufft.io> wrote:
> > On Nov 3, 2018, at 7:27 AM, Paul Moore <p.f.mo...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> > On Sat, 3 Nov 2018 at 01:27, Donald Stufft <don...@stufft.io> wrote:
> >>
> >> Just an FYI, I’m going to ask the discuss.python.org admins to add a 
> >> Packaging category to that discourse instance for the discussion of 
> >> packaging in Python, basically as a sister discussion location to 
> >> distutils-sig. I plan to primarily participate and centralize my own 
> >> personal discussions there, although others are free to continue to 
> >> discuss wherever they would like (although I think it would be great if 
> >> folks would all jump over there as well!).
> >>
> >> I’m not going to request any sub categories at this time, both because I 
> >> don’t think our traffic is high enough to warrant it, and also because I 
> >> think that tagging will be a more useful mechanism for us since we can tag 
> >> things with relevant projects or whatever (or not tag things at all) and 
> >> topics can have multiple tags.
> >
> > For now, can I ask that any discussions that need my participation
> > post here. I don't currently have the bandwidth to learn/follow
> > Discourse, so I'm extremely likely to miss things that are posted on
> > there. Specifically, any discussions around packaging standards that
> > need a decision from me, or need my input, should take place on this
> > list.
> From a practical matter, as the BDFL-Delegate [1] it would be pretty hard to 
> get a decision somewhere that you’re not participating in. My own personal 
> motivation for client side has been pretty low lately, so I presume that the 
> bulk of what I would be posting there would be related to the server side 
> anyways. Of course I can’t control other people so if other people are 
> posting there for client side stuff, then they’d have to summarize over here 
> for you or something.

Indeed :-)

I deliberately didn't put it like that as I didn't want to seem like I
was making ultimatums (ultimata?) But I am increasingly concerned that
the push to move away from the mailing lists to a mixture of web-based
pull-style fora (forums? :-)) (github issues, discourse) is
fragmenting the discussion base, and making it harder for *anyone* to
have a good sense of "what is going on in the community". I don't have
an answer (I understand that for you, the mailing list format is as
problematic as the web forum format is for me) but I think we should
be very cautious of experimenting here, without a better understanding
of who will fall by the wayside and what we might lose.

> [1] Although depending on which governance PEP gets selected, we may end up 
> losing our BDFL-Delegate status as some of the proposals don’t grant the 
> ability for the decision making entity to delegate their authority. Although 
> other ones do, though it’s not clear if they grant them on a long standing 
> basis or not, and at least one of them explicitly encodes in the idea of long 
> standing delegations.

Which is largely irrelevant, as this is much less about decision
makers and much more about building consensus. I don't know how we
build any form of consensus if the whole community isn't communicating
in a shared discussion :-(

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