On 2/18/20 2:07 PM, Vincent DEYGAS wrote:

I'm looking for a method to specifiy a root map (or context map) to a DITA topic conversion.

I see in documentation it's possible to set a filter (using a ditaval) and attributes values (with a subjectScheme) to the com.xmlmind.ditac.preprocess.PreProcessor (we embed ditac in our java application).

Yes, that's right. See also -filter and -attrvalues command-line options in https://www.xmlmind.com/ditac/_distrib/doc/manual/commandLine.html

The ditac command-line basically gives the user a simple way to access all the features implemented by com.xmlmind.ditac.preprocess.PreProcessor. Therefore if a feature is not implemented (and documented) by the ditac command-line, then this means that it is not implemented by com.xmlmind.ditac.preprocess.PreProcessor.

We want to set keywords definitions as we can do it with a DITA root map and avoid errors like :

        cannot resolve conkeyref="brand/estate_model_name"  and there is 
no"conref"  fallback attribute

Is this feature available ?

Unlike what is implemented for ".ditaval" files and subjectScheme map files, there is no way to *externally* specify a map defining a number of keys.

Such ancillary map must be referenced directly or indirectly from the map of the document to be converted using a <topicref> of some kind.

Real example:

help.ditamap (contains the document to be converted):
  <title>Online help</title>

  <mapref href="keys.ditamap" processing-role="resource-only"/>

  <topicref href="mainWindow.dita">
    <topicref href="consoleMode.dita"/>

  <topicref href="protocol.dita"/>


  <topicref href="troubleshooting.dita"/>

where keys.ditamap contains only key definitions:
  <title>Key definitions</title>

  <topichead navtitle="Variables">
    <keydef keys="controlApp" navtitle="Name of the control application.">


<keydef keys="serviceName" navtitle="Name of the Windows® native service.">

  <topichead navtitle="Screenshots">
    <keydef href="icons/add_role.png" keys="add_role"/>

    <keydef href="screenshots/actualCert.png" keys="actualCert"/>


    <keydef href="screenshots/statusLine.png" keys="statusLine"/>

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