On Tue, 23 Feb 2021 21:45, Adina Bogert-O'Brien <o...@adina.ca> wrote:
> Mateus, this is something some clinics/doctors officially do though, so 
> it would be verifiable. It's not like saying, "we won't belittle you" 
> or "our food is yummy." It's a clear clinic policy around what criteria 
> you need to fulfill in order for them to treat you. It's more 
> comparable to indicating the kind of therapy a therapist offers 
> (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy vs. psychoanalysis for example), what 
> insurance is accepted (private or public), or that an organization 
> offers services to a certain group of people (women, youth, LGBTQ*, 
> undocumented people, etc.).


> Rory, I like your first suggestion, 
> healthcare:trans:informed_consent=yes/no, but I need to caveat that 
> with the statement that I am far from an expert on tagging or informed 
> consent ;) 

> It seems that the question of informed consent doesn't just cover hrt, 
> it covers surgeries and possibly other treatments I think? Is that also 
> your understanding?

yeah, that's what I think. Healthcare laws vary by country, so things like 
voice therapy might be included too?

> Initially I was thinking it would make a lot of 
> sense to include the specific therapy covered by informed consent, but 
> maybe that's redundant since if you treat based on informed consent, 
> that seems like it would cover all aspects of care provided to trans 
> folks - but it would be good to confirm that as well.

I _presume_ so... but good point. Thankfully OSM tags can be generic like this, 
so we can just add "some informed consent"

> And the other 
> tagging (eg: trans*:hrt=yes, or healthcare:specialty:endocrinology, or 
> maybe healthcare:specialty:surgery?) would tell you what other types of 
> service they offer?

Yes, adding extra tags for what type of healthcare services are available can 
be done. But that's always been the case, even without informed consent 
tagging. I think this is an area which OSM is weak on (right?)

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