
I've had a miss-hap with my Touch, my fault entirely.  I accidentally
plugged my Laptop charger into it (19.5V @ 4A!) instead of the usual 5V,
polarity was the same. 

I've damaged it, it no longer turns on naturally and I really really
really want to get it going again. I've opened it up and started fault
finding . I can see 3 of what I presume are rail voltage regulators that
fed directly from the 5V in from the external PSU, hence the assumption.
'U28' which I believe is 3VTOH is physically damaged, either side of it
are 'U26' and 'U27' which are OB26 and 3VE08 respectively and also
possibly damaged but U28 for sure has taken a direct hit and sunk! 

Has anybody else here had any success in repairing a Touch that has
received an over-voltage state? Any schematic info or test point

Thanks in advance,


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