Where did you get the display from (yes I know eBay but which seller /
post)?  I need to do the same thing with my Controller so if I can get a
new display I might be able to help.



-Seen it all, done it all, can't remember most of it ...-
Asus EeePc, 1TB disk Windoze 7 FLAC/MP3 server (MediaMonkey) -> Buffalo
WHR-HP-G54 + 3 bridges
SB Touch/DacMagic -> Naim CDX/XPS + NAC52/Supercap + NAP135s + Dynaudio
Contour 1.8 MkIIs
SB2 -> AudioEngine A5+ study
SB3 -> AudioEngine A2 terrace
Boom kitchen
Radio bedroom
SLIMP3 -> Rotel RA820BX2 -> MA252 garage
Controller; iPad2 + iPeng / SqueezePad; Android + SqueezeCommander;
Windoze PCs + SqueezePlay
GRC's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=13846
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=99417

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