Jos I. Boumans wrote:

the usernames we use in our database can contain dashes. When i tried to authenticate against djabberd using one of those usernames, I found that authentication just hangs.

This led me to check in the following fixme (locally only right now) in DJabberd::IQ:495

    # if a username contains \W, we return here and the client is left
    # hanging in authentication state. We should at least send back
    # an error/reject of some sort --kane
    return unless $username =~ /^\w+$/;

But, looking at the Jabber spec[1], it seems that pretty much most characters can
be used as part of the JID:

Correct. In fact the username portion of a JID can allow just about any Unicode character.

<conforming-char> ::= #x21 | [#x23-#x25] | [#x28-#x2E] |
                      [#x30-#x39] | #x3B | #x3D | #x3F |
                      [#x41-#x7E] | [#x80-#xD7FF] |
                      [#xE000-#xFFFD] | [#x10000-#x10FFFF]

You got that here:

However that spec was superseded by RFC 3920, which in turn will be superseded by rfc3920bis. See the following links for the most accurate and up-to-date definition:

A quick hack to add '-' to be supported showed me I had to change the code in
3 places in[2], but other than that, everything worked as expected.

Is there any reason DJabberd is overly restrictive?

Perhaps because "-" was not allowed in Live Journal usernames?


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