Brad Fitzpatrick wrote:
I'll leave that for Mart and Yann and other current committers to decide, if they need more help. But once somebody's contributed a few times, matches style, has good tests, discusses changes, and reliably shown to be responsible for any regressions, I'm totally happy giving out more commit bits.

As for who actually makes releases, though, I'm not sure.... Mart? Yann? :)

I'm happy to actually make releases.

I'm not actually sure who has commit access right now, but there seems to be enough people that non-controversial things seem to get checked in before I get to them a lot of the time. It would probably be good to actually have an issue tracker somewhere since I'm sure there are a few things that have got missed. Using RT on CPAN could work, but I guess some people don't like that very much.

I've not really chimed in on this subject because it seems to be largely around bots and that's not an area of the codebase I'm all that familiar with. I know is using it for their "frank" bot, so whatever changes get made shouldn't break that, but other than that it seems fine to add new features.

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