Hello benzkji 

Yes we thought already about it and it seems a bit more complicated than 
expected. It requires some major refactors of several CMS components to 
make this work. Eventually Paulo or Martin could lay out the problematics 
in more detail.


On Saturday, 13 August 2016 08:37:30 UTC+2, benzkji wrote:
> Hi all
> Publishing content with django-cms is super easy, and the draft/live 
> concept is great. But, have you ever thought about applying that concept to 
> external apps/models too, ie, generalize the concept and make it available 
> to all apps?
> It's just...more than one time, I felt a bit awkward when explaining like 
> "but with the news/jobs/whatever, the changes are online immediatly" to a 
> client (my models normally just have a "published" BooleanField).
> Any thoughts on this (I already posted this to google, but might reach 
> another audience here...)?
> Best
> Ben

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