I have tried creating a custom Wizard for the first time recently. It works 
well; however, there are a couple of questions.

1. Is there a way to control which model fields show up in the Create New 
"Model" page? I have several fields in my model and am able to create/edit 
them in the Admin section of the site. On the other hand, when the Wizard 
is used, only the Title and FileField show up on the page. This is not 
addressed anywhere in the documentation. It would be useful.

2. Is there a way to prevent the Wizard from needing "wizard_tmp_files" 
directory and uploading files there? 
In our setup we use AWS S3. The files get uploaded there, but their copies 
also linger in "wizard_tmp_files", which is annoying, especially if the 
files are large. I wonder if there is a way to avoid using 
"wizard_tmp_files" altogether.

Any help or advice is appreciated.

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