On Monday 08 February 2010 08:21:27 Florian Apolloner wrote:

> thx for your quick response, I'll update the ticket and reopen it
>  (I hope that's okay in this caseā€¦)

That's fine, apologies for the premature closing.  Here is my 
analysis, sorry in advance for the length.  Unfortunately, we have 
backwards incompatibilities which ever way we go, as far as I can see.

== flaw in @auto_adapt_to_methods ==

@auto_adapt_to_methods is flawed.  It is supposed to allow the same 
decorator to work with functions:

  def foo(arg):
     # ...

...and methods:

  class Foo(object):
      def meth(self, arg):
          # pass

Effectively it tries to cope with two different function signatures.  
However, when a function is defined, you have no idea whether you are 
'inside' a class or not, so the decision is delegated to runtime.

This is done by wrapping functions in a MethodDecoratorAdaptor object, 

1) implements __call__, to handle the case of a simple function

2) implements __get__, to handle the case of a method.  This works by 
delaying the application of the decorator until the method is 
retrieved, at which point we have the 'self' parameter (passed in to 
__get__) and can create a 'bound' callable which does not have the 
self parameter in the function signature, and therefore matches the 
expected function signature.

The second of these fails if you use an additional decorator that is 
not implemented using @auto_adapt_to_methods.  Such a decorator will 
treat the MethodDecoratorAdaptor object as a simple callable, and the 
descriptor magic never kicks in.

The simplest example is as follows:

   class Foo(object):
       def meth(self, arg):

In this case, we might be able to fix @my_decorator simply by 
decorating it with @auto_adapt_to_methods.  But that isn't always 
possible - in Florian's case, his my_decorator needs access to 'self'.

Example code for all of this is attached in 
'auto_adapt_to_methods.py'.  I don't think this approach is fixable, 
but I'd be happy to be proved wrong!

This problem applies to everything we use @auto_adapt_to_methods on, 
which includes csrf_protect, login_required, user_passes_test, 
never_cache and anything created using decorator_from_middleware.

== a fix ==

Instead of trying an automagic 'adapt to methods', we can have a 
manual 'adapt to methods' decorator, called 'method_dec' (better names 
welcome, 'method_decorator' seemed a bit long).  So we would have:

  def my_view(request):
      # ....

  class MyClass(object):
      def my_view(self, request):
          # ...


  csrf_protect_m = method_dec(csrf_protect)

  class MyClass(object):
      def my_view(self, request):
          # ...

I've implemented this in the attached 'method_dec.py'.  It doesn't 
rely on the descriptor protocol, so it should be robust.

== the problem ==

Unfortunately, we have problems and backwards incompatibilities which 
ever way we go.  Although @auto_adapt_to_methods and 
MethodDecoratorAdaptor were introduced after 1.1 (so we are allowed to 
remove them), they replace the _CheckLogin class, which served the 
same purpose, but was specific to the user_passes_test decorator.  It 
used the same methodology (__call__ and __get__ implementation), and 
so it will suffer from exactly the same flaw.

So, if we do nothing, we have the general bug described above, and 
Florian's bug.  In his case, it appears as a backwards 
incompatibility, as he can no longer do this:

  class MyModelAdmin(ModelAdmin):

      change_view = my_decorator(ModelAdmin.change_view)

This is because ModelAdmin.change_view is now decorated with 
csrf_protect, which has the flawed 'auto adapt' behaviour.

If we replace the automatic auto_adapt_to_methods with the manual 
method_dec, then we face:

1) backwards incompatibilities for those following trunk, which is not 
ideal but allowed.

2) backwards incompatibilities for anyone who has used login_required 
or user_passes_test on *methods* since 1.0.  The release notes would 
have something like this:

user_passes_test and login_required
Previously, it was possible to use 'login_required' (and other 
decorators generated using 'user_passes_test') both on functions 
(where the first argument was 'request') and on methods (where the 
first argument was 'self', and the second argument was 'request').  
However, we have found that the trick which enabled this is flawed. It 
only works in limited circumstances, and produces errors that are very 
difficult to debug when it does not work.

For this reason, the 'auto adapt' behaviour has been removed, and if 
you are using these decorators on methods, you will need to manually 
apply `django.utils.decorators.method_dec` to convert the decorator to 
one that works with methods.  You would change code from this::

    class MyClass(object):

        def my_view(self, request):

to this::

    from django.utils.decorators import method_dec

    class MyClass(object):

        def my_view(self, request):


    from django.utils.decorators import method_dec

    login_required_m = method_dec(login_required)

    class MyClass(object):

        def my_view(self, request):


This is kind of annoying, since the solution we had before seems to 
work pretty well most of the time.  When it doesn't, however, it is 
extremely difficult to debug, and in some cases very tricky to fix.

Florian is right that if we leave it as it is, we should at least 
document it.  But we would then be documenting a bug, and my (mental) 
attempts to come up with documentation for it just reinforce a feeling 
of ickiness.

There is a halfway house position, which involves adding method_dec 
while deprecating auto_adapt_to_methods, and removing use of it as 
much as we can.  But this would add a layer of complication, and 
people will have to update their code eventually anyway.

What do people think?


"Yes, wearily I sit here, pain and misery my only companions. And 
vast intelligence of course. And infinite sorrow. And..." (Marvin 
the paranoid android)

Luke Plant || http://lukeplant.me.uk/

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from functools import wraps, update_wrapper

class MethodDecoratorAdaptor(object):
    Generic way of creating decorators that adapt to being
    used on methods
    def __init__(self, decorator, func):
        update_wrapper(self, func)
        # NB: update the __dict__ first, *then* set our own .func and
        # .decorator, in case 'func' is actually another
        # MethodDecoratorAdaptor object, which has its 'func' and
        # 'decorator' attributes in its own __dict__
        self.decorator = decorator
        self.func = func

    def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        return self.decorator(self.func)(*args, **kwargs)

    def __get__(self, instance, owner):
        if instance is None:
            return self
        return self.decorator(self.func.__get__(instance, owner))

def auto_adapt_to_methods(decorator):
    Takes a decorator function, and returns a decorator-like callable that can
    be used on methods as well as functions.
    def adapt(func):
        return MethodDecoratorAdaptor(decorator, func)
    return wraps(decorator)(adapt)

def striparg(func):
    Decorates functions that take a single string argument, and runs
    strip() on that arg before calling.  
    def wrapper(arg):
        return func(arg.strip())
    return wraps(func)(wrapper)

striparg_auto = auto_adapt_to_methods(striparg)

def simple_decorator(func):
    No-op decorator, without @auto_adapt_to_methods
    def wrapper(*args):
        return func(*args)
    return wrapper

# By definition this can't use @auto_adapt_to_methods
def sign(method):
    Decorates *methods* that take a single argument and return a string.

    def wrapper(self, arg):
        return method(self, arg) + " (says " + self.__class__.__name__ + ")"
    return wraps(method)(wrapper)

def insult(arg):
    return arg + " sucks!"

class Stuff(object):
    def deny(self, arg):
        return "No you can't have " + arg

class MoreStuff(Stuff):
    deny = Stuff.deny
    deny2 = simple_decorator(Stuff.deny)
    deny3 = sign(Stuff.deny)
    deny4 = striparg_auto(Stuff.deny)
    def deny5(self, arg):
        return super(MoreStuff, self).deny(arg)

    def deny6(self, arg):
        return super(MoreStuff, self).deny(arg)

    def deny7(self, arg):
        return super(MoreStuff, self).deny(arg)

assert insult(" PHP ") == "PHP sucks!"
assert Stuff().deny(" a pony ") == "No you can't have a pony"
assert MoreStuff().deny(" a backwards incompatible change ") == "No you can't have a backwards incompatible change"
assert MoreStuff().deny2(" some figgy pudding ") == "No you can't have some figgy pudding"  # fails
assert MoreStuff().deny3(" a velociraptor ") == "No you can't have a velociraptor (says MoreStuff)" # fails
assert MoreStuff().deny4(" true freedom on your iPad ") == "No you can't have true freedom on your iPad"
assert MoreStuff().deny5(" a design contest ") == "No you can't have a design contest"
assert MoreStuff().deny6(" less politically charged example code ") == "No you can't have less politically charged example code (says MoreStuff)"
assert MoreStuff().deny7(" an auto_adapt_to_methods function that works ") == "No you can't have an auto_adapt_to_methods function that works" # fails
from functools import wraps, update_wrapper

def method_dec(decorator):
    Converts a function decorator into a method decorator
    def _dec(func):
        def _wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs):
            def bound_func(*args2, **kwargs2):
                return func(self, *args2, **kwargs2)
            # bound_func has the signature that 'decorator' expects i.e.  no
            # 'self' argument, but it is a closure over self so it can call
            # 'func' correctly.
            return decorator(bound_func)(*args, **kwargs)
        return wraps(func)(_wrapper)
    update_wrapper(_dec, decorator)
    # Change the name, to avoid confusion, as this is *not* the same
    # decorator.
    _dec.__name__ = 'method_dec(%s)' % decorator.__name__
    return _dec

def striparg(func):
    Decorates functions that take a single string argument, and runs
    strip() on that arg before calling.  
    def wrapper(arg):
        return func(arg.strip())
    return wraps(func)(wrapper)

def simple_decorator(func):
    No-op decorator, without @auto_adapt_to_methods
    def wrapper(*args):
        return func(*args)
    return wrapper

def sign(method):
    Decorates *methods* that take a single argument and return a string.
    def wrapper(self, arg):
        return method(self, arg) + " (says " + self.__class__.__name__ + ")"
    return wraps(method)(wrapper)

def insult(arg):
    return arg + " sucks!"

class Stuff(object):
    def deny(self, arg):
        return "No you can't have " + arg

class MoreStuff(Stuff):
    deny = Stuff.deny
    deny2 = simple_decorator(Stuff.deny)
    deny3 = sign(Stuff.deny)
    deny4 = method_dec(striparg)(Stuff.deny)
    def deny5(self, arg):
        return super(MoreStuff, self).deny(arg)

    def deny6(self, arg):
        return super(MoreStuff, self).deny(arg)

    def deny7(self, arg):
        return super(MoreStuff, self).deny(arg)
assert insult(" PHP ") == "PHP sucks!"
assert Stuff().deny(" a pony ") == "No you can't have a pony"
assert MoreStuff().deny(" a backwards incompatible change ") == "No you can't have a backwards incompatible change"
assert MoreStuff().deny2(" some figgy pudding ") == "No you can't have some figgy pudding"
assert MoreStuff().deny3(" a velociraptor ") == "No you can't have a velociraptor (says MoreStuff)"
assert MoreStuff().deny4(" true freedom on your iPad ") == "No you can't have true freedom on your iPad"
assert MoreStuff().deny5(" a design contest ") == "No you can't have a design contest"
assert MoreStuff().deny6(" less politically charged example code ") == "No you can't have less politically charged example code (says MoreStuff)"
assert MoreStuff().deny7(" an auto_adapt_to_methods function that works ") == "No you can't have an auto_adapt_to_methods function that works"

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