On Sunday, February 20, 2011, Sean Brant <brant.s...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Looks like r15580 modified the way change list rows are returned. The
> template used to just iterate over {{ result }} but now requires
> iteration over {{ result.row }}.  This will breaking anyones templates
> that happen to overwrite admin/change_list_results.html. Does
> overwriting admin templates fall into public api territory?

Srrictly, contrib.admin isn't covered by our backwards compatibility
policy at all - see the official docs for details [1].

That said, we try to minimize any incompatibilities, so it may be
worth taking a closer look to see if this can be done in a way that
doesn't affect the template context.

[1] http://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.2/misc/api-stability/

Russ Magee %-)

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