I implemented FilteredRawQuerySet which supports filter() and order_by() 
like model manager QuerySet.


Internally it contains RawQuerySet and QuerySet for the target model.

SELECT part of the query is borrowed from RawQuerySet, while WHERE and 
ORDER BY statements are generated via QuerySet query.

This feature is useful when the code uses programmatically generated 
arguments of filter() / order_by(), for example in class-based ListView 
with custom filtering and / or sorting.

Is such feature worth to be included to Django core?

I could just continue to use my own implementation (probably imperfect) 
however I am worrying about possible query generation code changes that 
could make my module incompatible in the future.

In case such queryset would be included to Django code, there are much more 
chances that the code which uses it would not break when updating to newer 
Django version.


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