Hi Zack,

On 06/02/2017 02:02 PM, Zack Voase wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm encountering exceptions in a number of popular third-party Django
> libraries when upgrading from 1.8 to 1.11. The code path is typically
> `MyModel.objects.get_or_create(...)`, which causes
> `model._meta._property_names` to be checked (to make sure we're not
> querying/setting a property). The problem is, `_property_names` is
> implemented as follows:
> |
> # in django/db/models/options.py:
> def_property_names(self):
>     returnfrozenset({
>        attr forattr in
>        dir(self.model)ifisinstance(getattr(self.model,attr),property)
>     })
> |
> The problem is when a custom field installs a field descriptor on the
> model class (during `contribute_to_class()`), with a `__get__()` method
> like this:
> |
> classSomeFieldDescriptor(object):
>     # ...
>     def__get__(self,instance,type=None):
>         ifinstance isNone:
>             raiseAttributeError("Can only be accessed via an instance.")
>         # ...
> |

I can see two things here that could be done better, one on Django side
and one on third-party app side.

1) I've never seen a good reason for a descriptor to raise an
AttributeError like that. Typically `return self` is a much more useful
option for the "access on the class" scenario, if the descriptor can't
provide useful behavior in that case, as it allows introspecting the
class and finding the descriptor object.

2) On the Django side, I think we should switch to using
`inspect.getattr_static`, to avoid any possibility of triggering
side-effecty descriptor code of any kind. AttributeError is only the
most visible problem here; there could be much subtler problems (e.g.
performance issues) caused by e.g. accessing a descriptor that does a
database query or something.


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