
I joined the django Transifex team with the main goal to translate missing 
text in localflavor.generic (esp. BIC code validation).

However, I'm struggling a bit with the workflow. I searched for all texts 
containing "BIC" 
(https://www.transifex.com/django/search/?q=source_text%3ABIC) and found 
and translated the text "BIC codes have either 8 or 11 characters.". But I 
did not find other text from the same source file (e.g. "BIC codes only 
contain alphabet letters and digits") 

How can I find and translate the other strings?

I also see that there are about 37% translated and 0% checked texts in 
Czech django-localflavor. How does the checking work? Is unchecked text 
used for the actual translation or is it just waiting to be checked.

Thank you for help.


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